On the other hand, if error code 524 is showing up for all servers, then you are most probably banned by Roblox. If error code 524 is only showing up when you try to join a particular server, then it is likely you have been banned from joining that server by its creator.If this is the case, you can fix it by changing the private server invitation settings from “ Friends ” to “ Everyone ” You might also encounter error code 524 while trying to join a private server as a guest.In this case, you should check if the official servers are offline or not, and if they are, you should wait til they are online again. The game itself will not show you any pop-up message regarding this but instead kick you from the server with error code 524. An additional frequent reason for error code 524 is if the Roblox servers are down.If your account is less than 30 days old, then you are likely to be automatically kicked from the server and encounter error code 524. You have to first confirm that your account is 30 days or older, as a lot of the Roblox servers restrict newer players from joining the game.(Error Code: 524)” or “ Not authorized to join this game. Error code 524 has several unique pop-up messages that will accompany it, such as, “ You do not have permission to join this game.You might encounter error code 524 whenever you try to join a game or get disconnected while in the middle of a game.